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Career A.I....

What is Career A.I.?

Career A.I. ™© is a new comprehensive career & human resource system which will assist anyone with entering the work force and changing jobs or careers.

Who would benefit from using the system?

  • Anyone looking to obtain a new job can benefit from using Career A.I.

Whether you are looking for your first job, transferring to a new City or State,  returning to work after raising children, or simply exploring Careers to find what's right for you in the future,  Career A.I. can help.

  • Anyone who helps others to find jobs or assists in career planning, can benefit from using Career A.I.

If you are a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor assisting an injured worker to return to work, Career A.I. is a must.   It's a client-centered team approach to return to work.  Multiple modules cover all the basics and more.

High School Guidance counselors as well as College Placement Counselors will find Career A.I. invaluable.  Students can explore careers before determining their major.  Basic job skills are covered in an easy to use modular system that allows the counselor to assist the student throughout the learning/creation process.

  • Any company assisting their employees in relocation within or outside the company, can benefit from using Career A.I.

If you work in Human Resources and are assisting in the placement of employees within or outside of your company, Career A.I. is a whole new way to help your employees.

The system can be particularly helpful to companies that find it necessary to downsize and lay off workers.  Typically, these companies try to assist their workers to find other jobs inside or outside the company.   Career A.I. can help HR managers to manage this transition and create a better separation outcome for the worker and for the company.

Outsourcing companies assigned the task of placing, displaced or laid off workers will find the system particularly useful.

How does it work? Career A.I. Client Main Menu Preview

Career A.I. explores a client's/employee's interests and transferable skills, while keeping within the physical and education limitations of that client or employee.  It creates an Interest/Skill report showing the best possible match of transferable skills to interests.

It provides detailed information about the process of getting a job, including resume writing, cover letter writing, preparation for interviews and more.  It teaches your client/employee how to get a job while assisting them in the process of getting a job.

Career A.I. is designed to assist the counselor and the client throughout the vocational process, as well as the supervisor, HR manager, College Career Counselor, or administrator of counselors.

Career A.I. provides draft and final versions of resumes, cover letters, and allows the user to view detailed reports or online reports with links to even more occupational information.

The system encourages and tracks client/employee participation and gives the client/employee their own client log to track their successes in obtaining a new job.

Career A.I.  is a web-based, user-friendly system that is cost-effective and saves the counselor and client time and expense while providing the correct information to choose a new job or career.

Career A.I. was designed from the bottom up to comprehensively apply job information in one easy system.  Vocational Rehabilitation Supervisors, Human Resource Managers, College Career Counselors, Occupational Therapists, take note.  This system was designed to make your job easier and to assist your clients in returning to work, finding new careers or finding their first career.

3 different levels for 3 different users:

  1. Clients/Employees/Job Seeker (anyone looking for a job or career change)
    Client Main Menu
  2. Counselors & Human Resource Managers & Staff (those assisting clients to return to work, typically creating the TSA for the client to correlate with the results of the Interest Inventory
    Counselor Main Menu
  3. Administrators (managers of VR departments, HR managers or those supervising counselors)
    Administrator Main Menu
Each user, a different view:
When the user logs in each sees a different view of the system.  This gives each user control over their aspect of the return to work process. 

Clients/Employees/Job Seekers see what they need to help them get back to work or re-career.  Client Main Menu
  • Interest Inventory
  • Resume info: how to create a resume
  • Create Resume (fill in the blank template)
  • Cover Letter info: how to create a cover letter
  • Create Cover letter (fill in the blank template)
  • View Transferable Skills Results (results of TSA correlated with Interests, hyperlinks to Web data on openings, wages and more (clients cannot create their own TSA at this time)
  • Job Search Techniques (who to contact)
  • Interviewing tips (preparation, the interview and more)
  • Additional job tips (how to find job openings, evaluate an offer)
  • Client Log (client keeps track of his accomplishments, contacts, etc. in their own personal online log)  Client Log Preview
  • Client reports (client can view reports prepared by their counselor or download their resumes and cover letters)

Counselors/HR Staff see the same informational pages as their clients as well as having the ability to assist any of their clients in completion of any task on the system.  They can review and edit cover letters, resumes and client logs.

Counselor Main Menu and Counselor Administration Options

Only a Counselor or Administrator can create a TSA for a client currently due to the complexity of TSA's.

Counselors can create new clients, assign user id's and passwords for those clients so they can log in anytime from anywhere. 

Counselors can also view an Audit Trail of their clients to see if the client is having any difficulties completing an online task.  The Audit Trail report can also provide proof of participation in the VR process.

Counselors can also enter a Time Line, which indicates the dates and times of meetings with clients as well as any milestones met in the return to work process.  The amount of time and cost is computed for the counselor to review.  Cost is based on the counselors hourly rate, if applicable.  Projected cost for the client is entered when the client is created, and the cumulative savings to the customer is computed.

Administrators/Supervisors see all the same pages as both client and counselor and they also have administrative functions as well.

Administrator Main Menu and Administrator Menu

They can receive or review any report for any client under their counselors. 

They can request a counselor report indicating their counselors clients and where they are in the system currently.

Administrators can delete clients or counselors from their roster.

Administrators can reassign clients to counselors individually or en masse, in the event a counselor leaves their employ. 

Administrators can assign client packs * to counselors to allow them to create new clients  (* client packs are purchased by administrators and allocated to their counselors as needed)

Administrators can review any of their counselors time lines to see how far along the client is with their current counselor and the current cost.

Career A.I. is a phenomenal package for a complete transitional career program for career changers,  in-house position changing employees, laid-off workers, students or injured workers seeking assistance in a workers compensation or insurance program.

Supervisors of Vocational Rehabilitation programs, Human Resource managers or College Career Counselors requiring more information, please contact us using our contact form:  Contact Form